Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Internal Communications Survey

To build an effective strategy for PR & communications to support internal and external communication in ETESP 24 project, our team member Sri Dewi Susanty will conduct informal interview sessions with all the team members of ETESP 24. The aim is to provide the PR & Communications team with information and suggestions from our colleagues’ experience to build more effective information, promotion and communication materials and activities.

Dewi will be contacting colleagues to schedule the interviews over the next few weeks, December 19-January 7, 2006. It will take approx. 1 hour for an interview.

Thank you for your cooperation. With your information and suggestions we hope to build a communications and PR program that will better support your work and contribute to the project’s success.

Best Regards,

PR & Communications

Welcome to ETESP 24's blog

Dear ETESP 24 team,

Warms greeting for all of ETESP 24's team leaders and team members. We would like to introduce you ETESP 24 blog media
We could gather and exchange some informations about our work in progress and keep in touch with the latest news. Trough this blog, PR & Communications team also will explain about our planning and execution to support our internal and external communications.
We hope this blog could be an effective internal communications media for ETESP 24 team. We're opened for any suggestion that you might have.

Thank you for your attention.

Kind regards,

PR & Communications